Concordance for noun thermocouple


The page lists top contexts for noun thermocouple and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
9.57%  thermocouple junction
7.58%  k-type thermocouple
7.04%  thermocouple [does] sense
5.48%  thermocouple [does] measure
5.03%  thermocouple [does] detect
4.70%  thermocouple extinguish
4.40%  thermocouple failure
4.03%  reading for thermocouple
3.58%  thermocouple [does] fail
3.25%  mount thermocouple [perform operation]
2.99%  sensor [is] thermocouple
2.75%  thermocouple [using as instrument] equip
2.35%  thermocouple [using as instrument] supply
2.11%  check thermocouple [perform operation]
2.10%  thermocouple [does] indicate
2.07%  signal from thermocouple
1.85%  thermocouple tube
1.71%  thermocouple [does] monitor
1.63%  use thermocouple [perform operation]
1.62%  thermocouple lead
1.53%  thermocouple array
1.37%  connect thermocouple [perform operation]
1.33%  combustion thermocouple
1.26%  manifold [amount] thermocouple
1.20%  locate thermocouple [perform operation]
1.11%  thermocouple means
1.07%  connect to thermocouple
1.00%  responsive to thermocouple
0.91%  exhaust [physical/chemical] thermocouple
0.88%  place thermocouple [perform operation]
0.88%  least [degree] thermocouple
0.85%  exhaust [physical/chemical] thermocouple
0.82%  claim thermocouple
0.79%  thermocouple [does] generate
0.76%  dispose thermocouple [perform operation]
0.73%  temperature thermocouple
0.69%  thermocouple output
0.67%  include thermocouple [perform operation]
0.67%  comprise thermocouple [perform operation]
0.66%  thermocouple temperature
0.61%  position thermocouple [perform operation]
0.55%  thermocouple [connection] connect
0.51%  show thermocouple [perform operation]
0.51%  chamber thermocouple
0.50%  thermocouple circuit
0.45%  provide thermocouple [perform operation]
0.45%  thermocouple [does] provide
0.43%  thermocouple [does] have
0.40%  thermocouple signal
0.31%  have thermocouple [perform operation]


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