Concordance for adjective theoretical


The page lists top contexts for adjective theoretical and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
64.66%  theoretical [analysis/training] ratio
6.05%  theoretical [analysis/training] afr
5.30%  theoretical [analysis/training] value
2.52%  theoretical [analysis/training] measurement
1.93%  theoretical [analysis/training] calculation
1.36%  theoretical [analysis/training] amount
1.31%  theoretical [analysis/training] quantity
1.17%  theoretical [analysis/training] efficiency
1.08%  theoretical [analysis/training] rate
1.08%  theoretical [analysis/training] temperature
1.06%  theoretical [analysis/training] point
0.94%  theoretical [analysis/training] curve
0.87%  theoretical [analysis/training] degree
0.86%  theoretical [analysis/training] requirement
0.85%  theoretical [analysis/training] range
0.83%  theoretical [analysis/training] angle
0.72%  theoretical [analysis/training] explanation
0.68%  theoretical [analysis/training] study
0.67%  theoretical [analysis/training] basis
0.67%  theoretical [analysis/training] combustion
0.67%  theoretical [analysis/training] consideration
0.65%  theoretical [analysis/training] density
0.58%  theoretical [analysis/training] characteristic
0.51%  theoretical [analysis/training] analysis
0.50%  theoretical [analysis/training] equilibration
0.50%  theoretical [analysis/training] equivalent
0.46%  theoretical [analysis/training] mixture
0.43%  theoretical [analysis/training] force
0.37%  theoretical [analysis/training] load
0.31%  theoretical [analysis/training] voltage
0.13%  greater than theoretical
0.10%  only theoretical


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