Concordance for adjective stepped


The page lists top contexts for adjective stepped and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
31.85%  stepped [shape] piston
27.58%  stepped [shape] bore
7.81%  stepped [shape] portion
2.90%  stepped [shape] cylinder
2.43%  stepped [shape] plunger
2.38%  stepped [shape] hole
1.63%  stepped [shape] face
1.20%  stepped [shape] spool
1.07%  stepped [shape] configuration
0.94%  stepped [shape] down-shift
0.92%  stepped [shape] opening
0.81%  stepped [shape] surface
0.76%  stepped [shape] member
0.69%  stepped [shape] diameter
0.66%  stepped [shape] section
0.65%  stepped [shape] sleeve
0.63%  stepped [shape] outline
0.63%  stepped [shape] relief
0.63%  stepped [shape] means
0.62%  stepped [shape] shoulder
0.58%  stepped [shape] chamber
0.56%  stepped [shape] passage
0.55%  stepped [shape] shape
0.53%  stepped [shape] horn
0.52%  stepped [shape] mode
0.52%  stepped [shape] down-shifts
0.49%  stepped [shape] recess
0.46%  stepped [shape] counterbore
0.45%  stepped [shape] grate
0.44%  stepped [shape] part
0.41%  stepped [shape] form
0.40%  stepped [shape] edge
0.33%  stepped [shape] manner
0.31%  stepped [shape] through-hole
0.29%  stepped [shape] design
0.28%  stepped [shape] wall
0.26%  stepped [shape] fashion
0.25%  stepped [shape] assembly
0.23%  stepped [shape] cutout
0.21%  stepped [shape] extension
0.21%  stepped [shape] end
0.20%  stepped [shape] ring
0.19%  stepped [shape] body
0.19%  stepped [shape] engagement
0.18%  stepped [shape] up-shifts
0.16%  stepped [shape] position
0.16%  stepped [shape] motor
0.16%  stepped [shape] port
0.15%  stepped [shape] series
0.15%  stepped [shape] mouth
0.15%  stepped [shape] pin
0.15%  stepped [shape] housing
0.15%  cylindrically [manner] stepped
0.14%  stepped [shape] bushing
0.14%  stepped [shape] function
0.14%  stepped [shape] output
0.14%  stepped [shape] pump
0.13%  stepped [shape] case
0.13%  stepped [shape] wear
0.13%  stepped [shape] plate
0.13%  stepped [shape] path
0.13%  stepped [shape] profile
0.12%  stepped [shape] segment
0.12%  stepped [shape] construction
0.12%  stepped [shape] shaft
0.12%  stepped [shape] bolt
0.12%  stepped [shape] passageway
0.10%  stepped [shape] stem
0.10%  stepped [shape] bottom
0.10%  stepped [shape] engine
0.09%  stepped [shape] head
0.09%  stepped [shape] arrangement
0.08%  stepped [shape] slot
0.08%  stepped [shape] seat
0.07%  stepped [shape] area


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