Concordance for verb show


The page lists top contexts for verb show and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
4.47%  show embodiment [perform operation]
2.89%  not show
2.51%  show view [perform operation]
1.49%  schematically [manner] show
1.13%  show in drawing
1.10%  show position [perform operation]
1.04%  detail [manner] show
1.02%  show system [perform operation]
0.98%  show relationship [perform operation]
0.93%  best [degree] show
0.92%  show routine [perform operation]
0.90%  show diagram [perform operation]
0.80%  arrow [does] show
0.80%  show detail [perform operation]
0.76%  show arrangement [perform operation]
0.70%  line [does] show
0.69%  show example [perform operation]
0.69%  show construction [perform operation]
0.63%  view [does] show
0.59%  show modification [perform operation]
0.58%  invention [reference] show
0.57%  show in figure
0.56%  show valve [perform operation]
0.55%  clearly [manner] show
0.52%  show flowchart [perform operation]
0.52%  show structure [perform operation]
0.51%  show characteristic [perform operation]
0.51%  line [manner] show
0.49%  show subroutine [perform operation]
0.46%  show chart [perform operation]
0.46%  invention show
0.46%  show in phantom
0.45%  show map [perform operation]
0.44%  show invention [perform operation]
0.43%  show engine [perform operation]
0.43%  show device [perform operation]
0.42%  show assembly [perform operation]
0.42%  drawing [does] show
0.42%  diagrammatically [manner] show
0.42%  show circuit [perform operation]
0.41%  show waveform [perform operation]
0.41%  show configuration [perform operation]
0.41%  show operation [perform operation]
0.40%  show relation [perform operation]
0.37%  show apparatus [perform operation]
0.36%  show form [perform operation]
0.35%  graph [does] show
0.34%  show state [perform operation]
0.33%  curve [does] show
0.33%  show result [perform operation]
0.33%  show section [perform operation]
0.32%  show mechanism [perform operation]
0.32%  show change [perform operation]
0.31%  diagram [does] show
0.31%  show in table
0.31%  embodiment show
0.30%  show in diagram
0.29%  show program [perform operation]
0.28%  view [location] show
0.28%  chart [does] show
0.27%  show sensor [perform operation]
0.27%  show part [perform operation]
0.27%  show unit [perform operation]
0.26%  show table [perform operation]
0.26%  show curve [perform operation]
0.26%  show means [perform operation]
0.25%  show pump [perform operation]
0.25%  show portion [perform operation]
0.25%  show variation [perform operation]
0.24%  figure [does] show
0.24%  show manner [perform operation]
0.23%  invention [using as instrument] show
0.23%  show cylinder [perform operation]
0.22%  show case [perform operation]
0.22%  how show
0.22%  position [location] show
0.21%  show variant [perform operation]
0.20%  show step [perform operation]
0.20%  show condition [perform operation]
0.20%  show by line
0.20%  show switch [perform operation]
0.20%  show graph [perform operation]
0.20%  show process [perform operation]
0.20%  show control [perform operation]
0.19%  show wheel [perform operation]
0.19%  show piston [perform operation]
0.18%  section [location] show
0.18%  show member [perform operation]
0.18%  show in chart
0.18%  show component [perform operation]
0.18%  show brake [perform operation]
0.17%  show signal [perform operation]
0.17%  show element [perform operation]
0.17%  show port [perform operation]
0.17%  show shaft [perform operation]
0.17%  accordance [reference] show
0.17%  show in section
0.16%  show representation [perform operation]
0.15%  embodiment [reference] show
0.15%  show nozzle [perform operation]
0.15%  show line [perform operation]
0.15%  show chamber [perform operation]
0.15%  show in embodiment
0.15%  show direction [perform operation]
0.15%  show ADVP line
0.14%  form [manner] show
0.14%  generally [resume] show
0.14%  show connection [perform operation]
0.14%  show spring [perform operation]
0.13%  graphically [manner] show
0.13%  show pedal [perform operation]
0.13%  show vehicle [perform operation]
0.13%  below [location] show
0.13%  show tank [perform operation]
0.13%  show version [perform operation]
0.13%  show in rim
0.13%  show by arrow
0.13%  show in position
0.12%  show injector [perform operation]
0.12%  show bolt [perform operation]
0.12%  show of engine
0.12%  show passage [perform operation]
0.12%  show controller [perform operation]
0.12%  flowchart [does] show
0.12%  show value [perform operation]
0.12%  numeral [does] show
0.12%  show in graph
0.12%  outline [location] show
0.11%  show plug [perform operation]
0.11%  example [example] show
0.11%  show manifold [perform operation]
0.11%  show motor [perform operation]
0.11%  table [does] show
0.11%  engine show
0.11%  show in hub
0.11%  show block [perform operation]
0.11%  partially [degree] show
0.11%  show source [perform operation]
0.11%  show plate [perform operation]
0.11%  show method [perform operation]
0.10%  show sequence [perform operation]
0.10%  show housing [perform operation]
0.10%  system show
0.10%  show timing [perform operation]
0.10%  show illustration [perform operation]
0.10%  show procedure [perform operation]
0.10%  show crankshaft [perform operation]
0.10%  show cross-section [perform operation]
0.10%  show location [perform operation]
0.10%  show in full
0.10%  experience [does] show


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