Concordance for noun route


The page lists top contexts for noun route and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
19.58%  route information
7.24%  leakage route
4.85%  traverse route [perform operation]
4.74%  transmission route
4.70%  route [location] change
3.88%  route [does] consist
3.10%  vary route [perform operation]
3.10%  predetermined [representation] route
2.68%  discharge route
2.38%  route through path
2.37%  take route [perform operation]
2.25%  escape route
1.88%  route between wheel
1.85%  flow route
1.81%  force route
1.74%  convenient [effectiveness] route
1.70%  operating [functioning] route
1.65%  follow route [perform operation]
1.62%  outward [location] route
1.55%  supply route
1.49%  fuel route
1.46%  throttle route
1.43%  travel route
1.43%  return route
1.41%  route exhaust
1.36%  return route [perform operation]
1.32%  route flow
1.28%  route [location] arrange
1.19%  provide route [perform operation]
1.17%  signal route
1.16%  possible [certainty] route
1.12%  route [does] take
1.04%  form route [perform operation]
0.96%  direct [shape] route
0.88%  route [does] achieve
0.88%  oil route
0.79%  route [does] comprise
0.78%  not route
0.74%  fluid [state] route
0.72%  route fuel
0.68%  steering [purpose] route
0.67%  single [numeric] route
0.57%  connect route [perform operation]
0.57%  route [does] include


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