Concordance for adverbial rotatably


The page lists top contexts for adverbial rotatably and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
28.15%  rotatably [motion] support
24.20%  rotatably [motion] mount
4.46%  rotatably [motion] journal
4.39%  rotatably [motion] connect
2.99%  rotatably [motion] dispose
2.72%  rotatably [motion] drive
2.59%  rotatably [motion] receive
2.23%  rotatably [motion] carry
2.10%  rotatably [motion] fit
2.06%  rotatably [motion] attach
1.68%  mount ADVP rotatably
1.64%  rotatably [motion] secure
1.62%  rotatably [motion] couple
1.58%  support ADVP rotatably
1.22%  rotatably [motion] engage
1.18%  rotatably [motion] insert
1.02%  rotatably [motion] mounted
0.91%  rotatably [motion] fix
0.79%  rotatably [motion] hold
0.75%  rotatably [motion] position
0.68%  rotatably mounted
0.65%  rotatably [motion] provide
0.61%  rotatably [motion] arrange
0.41%  rotatably [motion] have
0.41%  rotatably [motion] house
0.35%  rotatably [motion] accommodate
0.34%  rotatably [motion] extend
0.34%  freely rotatably
0.32%  journal ADVP rotatably
0.31%  rotatably [motion] affix
0.30%  rotatably [motion] move
0.27%  rotatably [motion] link
0.25%  rotatably [motion] supported
0.25%  rotatably [motion] include
0.24%  rotatably [motion] member
0.22%  rotatably [motion] suspend
0.22%  rotatably [motion] assemble
0.21%  rotatably [motion] install
0.20%  rotatably [motion] shaft
0.19%  rotatably movable
0.18%  connect ADVP rotatably
0.17%  rotatably [motion] bear
0.17%  rotatably [motion] gear
0.16%  dispose ADVP rotatably
0.16%  rotatably [motion] contain
0.15%  rotatably [motion] journaling
0.15%  rotatably [motion] locate
0.15%  rotatably [motion] adjust
0.15%  rotatably [motion] retain
0.14%  carry ADVP rotatably
0.14%  fit ADVP rotatably
0.13%  rotatably [motion] fasten
0.13%  rotatably [motion] pivot
0.12%  rotatably [motion] immobilize
0.11%  rotatably [motion] relative
0.11%  attach ADVP rotatably
0.11%  couple ADVP rotatably
0.10%  rotatably [motion] show
0.10%  rotatably [motion] means
0.10%  rotatably [motion] sandwich
0.10%  rotatably [motion] thread
0.10%  rotatably [motion] guide
0.09%  rotatably [motion] displace
0.09%  rotatably relative
0.08%  rotatably [motion] comprise
0.08%  rotatably [motion] mount on
0.08%  rotatably [motion] operate
0.08%  rotatably [motion] pass
0.08%  rotatably [motion] surround
0.08%  secure ADVP rotatably
0.08%  engage ADVP rotatably
0.08%  rotatably [motion] interconnect
0.08%  receive ADVP rotatably
0.07%  drive ADVP rotatably
0.07%  fix ADVP rotatably
0.07%  relatively rotatably
0.07%  rotatably integral
0.07%  rotatably adjustable
0.06%  surround ADVP rotatably
0.06%  rotatably engageable
0.06%  extend ADVP rotatably
0.05%  position ADVP rotatably
0.04%  include ADVP rotatably
0.04%  provide ADVP rotatably


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