Concordance for adjective ring-shaped


The page lists top contexts for adjective ring-shaped and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
23.77%  ring-shaped [shape] member
7.94%  ring-shaped [shape] groove
5.33%  ring-shaped [shape] element
4.17%  ring-shaped [shape] space
3.77%  ring-shaped [shape] portion
3.51%  ring-shaped [shape] protrusion
2.95%  ring-shaped [shape] part
2.93%  ring-shaped [shape] ridge
2.89%  ring-shaped [shape] disk
2.87%  ring-shaped [shape] plate
2.79%  ring-shaped [shape] recess
2.76%  ring-shaped [shape] packing
2.46%  ring-shaped [shape] projection
2.27%  ring-shaped [shape] passage
2.27%  ring-shaped [shape] seal
2.21%  ring-shaped [shape] surface
2.17%  ring-shaped [shape] chamber
1.95%  ring-shaped [shape] spacer
1.80%  ring-shaped [shape] form
1.77%  ring-shaped [shape] track
1.74%  ring-shaped [shape] wall
1.70%  ring-shaped [shape] insert
1.67%  ring-shaped [shape] path
1.64%  ring-shaped [shape] rib
1.52%  ring-shaped [shape] electrode
1.43%  ring-shaped [shape] spring
1.30%  ring-shaped [shape] bearing
1.30%  ring-shaped [shape] rotor
1.25%  ring-shaped [shape] body
1.21%  ring-shaped [shape] manner
1.15%  ring-shaped [shape] design
0.95%  ring-shaped [shape] seat
0.42%  generally [resume] ring-shaped


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