Concordance for noun resetting


The page lists top contexts for noun resetting and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.79%  resetting spring
8.69%  interval to resetting
7.85%  resetting piston
6.95%  resetting sleeve
6.91%  wave to resetting
6.65%  resetting chamber
4.82%  resetting force
3.30%  resetting device
2.58%  resetting timer
2.47%  resetting input
2.47%  resetting signal
2.32%  resetting go
2.28%  resetting nut
2.28%  resetting [temporal] go
2.08%  resetting unit
2.05%  resetting movement
1.95%  piston resetting
1.92%  pedal resetting
1.82%  resetting flag
1.77%  resetting threshold
1.70%  counter resetting
1.61%  cause resetting [perform operation]
1.55%  resetting [does] take
1.44%  resetting means
1.43%  effect resetting [perform operation]
1.29%  resetting [does] follow
1.26%  resetting step
0.99%  device resetting
0.95%  resetting cylinder
0.82%  resetting arrangement
0.76%  permit resetting [perform operation]
0.70%  require resetting [perform operation]
0.38%  not resetting


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