Concordance for noun representative


The page lists top contexts for noun representative and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.83%  signal representative
5.47%  generate representative [perform operation]
3.72%  parameter representative
2.41%  produce representative [perform operation]
2.08%  electrical [domain related] representative
1.90%  temperature representative
1.76%  speed representative
1.57%  behavior representative
1.50%  value representative
1.45%  output representative
1.43%  signal on representative
1.32%  model representative
1.26%  receive representative [perform operation]
1.19%  rate representative
1.12%  position representative
1.07%  numerical [numeric] representative
1.02%  datum representative
1.02%  provide representative [perform operation]
1.02%  inverse representative
0.95%  output representative [perform operation]
0.90%  sensor representative
0.89%  signal representative [perform operation]
0.85%  condition representative
0.82%  voltage representative
0.82%  coded [representation] representative
0.81%  sensed [state] representative
0.81%  pressure representative
0.79%  ratio representative
0.79%  binary [numeric] representative
0.75%  issue representative [perform operation]
0.72%  load representative
0.71%  line representative
0.70%  content representative
0.69%  axle [is] representative
0.68%  concentration representative
0.66%  quantity representative
0.61%  difference representative
0.60%  angle representative
0.57%  pulse representative
0.56%  magnitude representative
0.55%  representative [location] base
0.55%  period representative
0.55%  torque representative
0.55%  representative [is] dialkyldithiophosphate
0.55%  representative [is] diaryldithiosphate
0.53%  flow representative
0.53%  representative [attribute] representative
0.52%  store representative [perform operation]
0.50%  representative [typicality] representative
0.48%  supply representative [perform operation]
0.48%  analogue [similarity] representative
0.48%  transmit representative [perform operation]
0.47%  illustrate like representative
0.45%  have representative [perform operation]
0.45%  diagram representative
0.44%  control representative
0.44%  reference representative
0.44%  measure representative [perform operation]
0.43%  electric [domain related] representative
0.43%  signal to representative
0.42%  level representative
0.42%  digital [shape] representative
0.42%  threshold representative
0.41%  time representative
0.41%  pattern representative
0.40%  inversion representative
0.37%  send representative [perform operation]
0.37%  input representative
0.37%  monitor for representative
0.36%  amount representative
0.36%  width representative
0.35%  deceleration representative
0.33%  velocity representative
0.33%  analog [similarity] representative
0.33%  force representative
0.32%  turn [temporal] representative
0.32%  signal from representative
0.32%  intensity representative
0.32%  potential representative
0.31%  relation representative
0.31%  advance representative
0.30%  number representative
0.30%  ecu representative
0.30%  loading representative
0.30%  engine representative
0.29%  block representative
0.28%  representative on line
0.28%  timing representative
0.27%  state representative
0.27%  octane representative
0.26%  representative [reference] calculate
0.26%  amplitude representative
0.25%  function representative
0.25%  calculate representative [perform operation]
0.25%  agent representative
0.25%  curve representative
0.24%  map representative
0.24%  actuating representative
0.24%  movement representative
0.24%  responsive to representative
0.24%  previously representative
0.24%  develop representative [perform operation]
0.24%  lubricating [purpose] representative
0.23%  braking representative
0.23%  delay representative
0.23%  deliver representative [perform operation]
0.23%  fuel representative
0.23%  change representative
0.23%  apply representative [perform operation]
0.22%  duration representative
0.22%  misfiring representative
0.22%  calibration representative
0.22%  detect representative [perform operation]
0.21%  factor representative
0.21%  relationship representative
0.21%  transfer representative [perform operation]
0.21%  deterioration representative
0.21%  peak representative
0.21%  distance representative
0.20%  degree representative
0.20%  leakage representative
0.20%  dynamic [motion] representative
0.19%  level [shape] representative
0.19%  deviation representative
0.19%  sense representative [perform operation]
0.19%  acceleration representative
0.19%  execute representative [perform operation]
0.18%  output [is] representative
0.18%  prescribed [certainty] representative
0.18%  component representative
0.18%  determine representative [perform operation]
0.18%  provide on representative
0.17%  information representative
0.17%  compare representative [perform operation]
0.17%  subject to representative
0.17%  mass representative
0.17%  head representative
0.17%  obtain representative [perform operation]
0.17%  characteristic representative
0.16%  least [degree] representative
0.16%  distribution representative
0.16%  read representative [perform operation]
0.16%  energy representative
0.16%  timing representative
0.15%  representative to controller
0.15%  direction representative
0.15%  injection representative
0.15%  emit representative [perform operation]
0.14%  actuation representative
0.14%  predetermined [representation] representative
0.14%  rotational [motion] representative


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