Concordance for noun pull


The page lists top contexts for noun pull and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
10.87%  pull rod
8.35%  pull rope
8.06%  pull tab
7.46%  pull link
6.04%  pull cable
4.72%  exert pull [perform operation]
3.82%  cable pull
3.68%  pull type
3.62%  pull cord
3.40%  valve under pull
3.21%  pull starter
3.00%  pull on arm
2.71%  pull assembly
2.60%  pull solenoid
2.46%  pull bar
2.20%  pull brake
2.20%  pull force
1.83%  pull strength
1.79%  pull connection
1.71%  pull point
1.22%  pull device
1.19%  pull handle
1.18%  pull lever
1.16%  heavy [weight] pull
0.99%  double [numeric] pull
0.98%  pull plate
0.97%  pull wire
0.88%  pull [does] shift
0.79%  light [weight] pull
0.77%  apply pull [perform operation]
0.74%  direct [shape] pull
0.64%  pull [does] cause
0.63%  steering [purpose] pull
0.61%  pull direction
0.54%  pull ring
0.52%  steering [purpose] pull
0.42%  maintain pull [perform operation]
0.42%  pull system
0.42%  wheel pull
0.39%  pull means
0.32%  cause pull [perform operation]
0.28%  pull member


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