Concordance for verb oppose


The page lists top contexts for verb oppose and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
4.47%  diametrically [similarity] oppose
3.63%  pair [does] oppose
3.36%  oppose force [perform operation]
2.79%  oppose side [perform operation]
2.60%  oppose surface [perform operation]
2.14%  oppose movement [perform operation]
1.97%  force [does] oppose
1.79%  surface [connection] oppose
1.72%  oppose end [perform operation]
1.56%  oppose portion [perform operation]
1.49%  oppose relation [perform operation]
1.43%  oppose wall [perform operation]
1.43%  oppose relationship [perform operation]
1.42%  oppose direction [perform operation]
1.29%  surface [does] oppose
1.19%  oppose face [perform operation]
1.06%  opening [connection] oppose
1.04%  oppose ADVP diametrically
1.01%  direction [connection] oppose
0.96%  electrode [connection] oppose
0.94%  force [connection] oppose
0.90%  face [does] oppose
0.82%  end [connection] oppose
0.79%  diagonally [orientation] oppose
0.76%  oppose action [perform operation]
0.75%  oppose port [perform operation]
0.69%  oppose pair [perform operation]
0.67%  tooth [connection] oppose
0.64%  face [connection] oppose
0.63%  hook [connection] oppose
0.62%  oppose section [perform operation]
0.61%  passage [connection] oppose
0.61%  direction [does] oppose
0.60%  spring [temporal] oppose
0.60%  spring [does] oppose
0.59%  pressure [does] oppose
0.59%  portion [connection] oppose
0.58%  oppose hole [perform operation]
0.58%  anode [does] oppose
0.57%  portion [does] oppose
0.56%  oppose seat [perform operation]
0.55%  system [connection] oppose
0.55%  periphery [connection] oppose
0.54%  cathode [does] oppose
0.54%  oppose edge [perform operation]
0.53%  oppose groove [perform operation]
0.53%  oppose member [perform operation]
0.52%  oppose arm [perform operation]
0.52%  oppose motion [perform operation]
0.51%  end [does] oppose
0.51%  oppose piston [perform operation]
0.50%  sheet [connection] oppose
0.49%  head [connection] oppose
0.49%  piston [does] oppose
0.48%  axially [orientation] oppose
0.48%  oppose wheel [perform operation]
0.48%  chamber [connection] oppose
0.48%  oppose pressure [perform operation]
0.46%  oppose flange [perform operation]
0.46%  hole [connection] oppose
0.46%  oppose displacement [perform operation]
0.46%  orifice [connection] oppose
0.45%  cylinder [connection] oppose
0.44%  torque [does] oppose
0.44%  path [connection] oppose
0.43%  oppose electrode [perform operation]
0.42%  oppose [does] oppose
0.42%  oppose rotation [perform operation]
0.42%  release [connection] oppose
0.41%  means [does] oppose
0.41%  horizontally [orientation] oppose
0.40%  oppose plate [perform operation]
0.40%  oppose spring [perform operation]
0.40%  oppose torque [perform operation]
0.40%  oppose ADVP yieldably
0.39%  embodiment [connection] oppose
0.39%  oppose opening [perform operation]
0.39%  process [connection] oppose
0.38%  directly [temporal] oppose
0.38%  oppose escape [perform operation]
0.36%  piston [connection] oppose
0.36%  body [connection] oppose
0.35%  oppose flat [perform operation]
0.35%  oppose tendency [perform operation]
0.35%  oppose have [perform operation]
0.34%  piece [connection] oppose
0.34%  port [connection] oppose
0.34%  oppose to act
0.34%  means [connection] oppose
0.33%  oppose with resistance
0.33%  pickup [connection] oppose
0.33%  wall [connection] oppose
0.33%  projection [connection] oppose
0.33%  oppose position [perform operation]
0.32%  oppose tooth [perform operation]
0.31%  oppose shoe [perform operation]
0.31%  oppose moment [perform operation]
0.30%  oppose cylinder [perform operation]
0.30%  cylinder [does] oppose
0.30%  cover [connection] oppose
0.30%  groove [connection] oppose
0.30%  oppose aperture [perform operation]
0.30%  recess [connection] oppose
0.30%  kingpin [does] oppose
0.29%  member [does] oppose
0.29%  barrier [does] oppose
0.29%  oppose passage [perform operation]
0.28%  oppose land [perform operation]
0.28%  oppose control [perform operation]
0.28%  member [connection] oppose
0.28%  oppose ratchet [perform operation]
0.28%  side [does] oppose
0.28%  dispose in oppose
0.27%  so [resume] oppose
0.27%  arrangement [connection] oppose
0.27%  oppose separation [perform operation]
0.27%  oppose projection [perform operation]
0.27%  oppose lug [perform operation]
0.26%  plate [connection] oppose
0.26%  oppose top [perform operation]
0.26%  oppose withdrawal [perform operation]
0.26%  oppose slot [perform operation]
0.26%  resiliently [manner] oppose
0.25%  disc [does] oppose
0.25%  mutually [dependency] oppose
0.25%  section [connection] oppose
0.24%  oppose channel [perform operation]
0.24%  therebetween [location] oppose
0.23%  head [does] oppose
0.23%  generally [resume] oppose
0.23%  land [does] oppose
0.23%  oppose head [perform operation]
0.23%  oppose means [perform operation]
0.23%  oppose machine [perform operation]
0.23%  oppose chamber [perform operation]
0.22%  side [connection] oppose
0.22%  shoe [connection] oppose
0.22%  direction [location] oppose
0.21%  oppose closure [perform operation]
0.21%  oppose pad [perform operation]
0.21%  position in oppose
0.20%  oppose to tend
0.20%  oppose magnet [perform operation]
0.20%  electrode [does] oppose
0.20%  oppose recess [perform operation]
0.19%  acting [does] oppose
0.19%  position [connection] oppose
0.19%  oppose part [perform operation]
0.19%  oppose [does] oppose
0.19%  oppose location [perform operation]
0.19%  location [does] oppose


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