Concordance for noun monolith


The page lists top contexts for noun monolith and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
11.78%  honeycomb monolith
10.53%  ceramic monolith
7.82%  osc-carrier monolith
7.76%  corrugated [shape] monolith
6.77%  metal monolith
5.11%  thin [size] monolith
4.56%  cordierite monolith
4.06%  foil monolith
3.22%  monolith surface
3.09%  cellular [structure] monolith
2.57%  accommodate monolith [perform operation]
2.49%  coated [spatial] monolith
2.12%  monolith [does] support
2.04%  cylindrical [shape] monolith
1.98%  catalytic [physical/chemical] monolith
1.72%  catalyst monolith
1.69%  monolith substrate
1.56%  comprise monolith [perform operation]
1.51%  shape monolith
1.36%  monolith [does] have
1.36%  monolith section
1.35%  include monolith [perform operation]
1.33%  converter monolith
1.14%  steel monolith
1.10%  monolith core
1.09%  compose monolith [perform operation]
1.01%  monolith catalyst
0.99%  monolith volume
0.98%  support monolith [perform operation]
0.94%  form monolith [perform operation]
0.70%  use monolith [perform operation]
0.69%  monolith use
0.66%  monolith system
0.65%  hold monolith [perform operation]
0.62%  make monolith [perform operation]
0.62%  contain monolith [perform operation]
0.44%  system monolith
0.42%  cause monolith [perform operation]


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