Concordance for adverbial how


The page lists top contexts for adverbial how and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
16.35%  how show
11.26%  how understand
7.67%  how illustrate
6.02%  how explain
5.51%  how see
4.15%  how depend on
3.90%  how practice
3.79%  how determine
3.77%  how measure
3.66%  how describe
2.80%  how know
2.20%  how employ
2.16%  how deviate
1.87%  how utilize
1.71%  how appreciate
1.64%  how vary
1.61%  how indicate
1.55%  how demonstrate
1.36%  how learn
1.23%  how teach
1.11%  how large
1.09%  how accomplish
1.03%  how steer
1.01%  how depict
1.01%  how operate
0.99%  how put
0.91%  how apply
0.81%  how mount
0.79%  how use
0.78%  how it
0.69%  how disclose
0.66%  how move
0.66%  how dispose
0.63%  how problem
0.52%  how to fail
0.50%  how control
0.46%  how detect
0.45%  how make
0.42%  how flow
0.33%  how increase
0.27%  how piston
0.26%  how provide
0.18%  how have


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