Concordance for verb gain


The page lists top contexts for verb gain and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
34.24%  gain access [perform operation]
14.79%  gain acceptance [perform operation]
6.43%  feedback [does] gain
5.67%  gain advantage [perform operation]
4.57%  unity [does] gain
3.56%  gain popularity [perform operation]
3.12%  gain understanding [perform operation]
2.61%  gain modal can
2.52%  gain entry [perform operation]
2.02%  term [does] gain
1.84%  control [does] gain
1.74%  gain benefit [perform operation]
1.67%  thief [does] gain
1.64%  gain by increase
1.57%  gain speed [perform operation]
1.54%  gain power [perform operation]
1.13%  gain effect [perform operation]
1.09%  system [does] gain
1.08%  gain efficiency [perform operation]
0.88%  brake [does] gain
0.79%  device [does] gain
0.77%  gain space [perform operation]
0.76%  engine [does] gain
0.72%  possible to gain
0.67%  not gain
0.57%  gain force [perform operation]
0.57%  gain modal may
0.56%  gain value [perform operation]
0.41%  time [temporal] gain
0.33%  gain modal will


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