Concordance for adjective convex


The page lists top contexts for adjective convex and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
28.24%  convex [shape] surface
11.50%  convex [shape] portion
5.61%  convex [shape] side
4.12%  convex [shape] member
3.83%  convex [shape] shape
3.67%  convex [shape] wall
3.39%  convex [shape] end
3.19%  convex [shape] face
2.95%  spherically [manner] convex
2.56%  convex [shape] curvature
2.24%  convex [shape] configuration
2.19%  convex [shape] section
1.86%  convex [shape] projection
1.80%  spherically convex
1.58%  convex [shape] curve
1.47%  convex [shape] nipple
1.41%  convex [shape] nose
1.40%  convex [shape] edge
1.32%  convex [shape] exterior
1.32%  convex [shape] polygon
1.15%  arcuately convex
1.15%  convex [shape] embody
1.07%  convex [shape] bead
1.02%  convex [shape] head
0.89%  convex [shape] arc
0.88%  convex [shape] bottom
0.86%  convex [shape] washer
0.84%  convex [reference] piston
0.67%  convex [shape] bushing
0.67%  convex [shape] part
0.66%  convex [shape] form
0.65%  convex [shape] area
0.63%  convex [shape] piston
0.58%  convex [shape] component
0.55%  slightly [degree] convex
0.55%  convex [reference] embody
0.47%  slightly convex
0.37%  generally convex
0.25%  generally [resume] convex
0.21%  substantially convex


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