Concordance for noun bp


The page lists top contexts for noun bp and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
25.29%  pedal bp
19.93%  brake bp
13.21%  depress bp [perform operation]
7.48%  bp chemical
7.26%  bp [is] ep
5.29%  line bp
3.65%  release bp [perform operation]
3.03%  bp depression
2.73%  bp exhaustion
2.49%  bp [location] prevent back
1.70%  operate bp [perform operation]
1.54%  pipe bp
1.49%  car bp
1.47%  pressure in bp
0.93%  bp [connection] connect
0.86%  bp [connection] apply
0.79%  bp operation
0.78%  bp stroke


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