Concordance for noun arrow


The page lists top contexts for noun arrow and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
20.17%  arrow [does] indicate
13.14%  arrow direction
12.04%  arrow [does] show
4.45%  indicate by arrow
3.70%  arrow [does] illustrate
3.23%  show by arrow
1.96%  arrow [does] represent
1.96%  directional [direction] arrow
1.58%  arrow [does] designate
1.36%  arrow [does] depict
1.13%  double [numeric] arrow
1.10%  illustrate by arrow
1.05%  show ADVP arrow
1.02%  headed arrow
0.98%  broken [time periodicity] arrow
0.91%  dashed [representation] arrow
0.91%  arrow [does] denote
0.82%  double-headed arrow
0.78%  take along arrow
0.78%  figure arrow
0.76%  arrow mark
0.76%  arrow [does] symbolize
0.72%  arrow along line
0.70%  show at arrow
0.69%  see arrow [perform operation]
0.67%  drive-indicating arrow
0.67%  view of arrow
0.65%  arrow [does] mark
0.55%  line arrow
0.54%  arrow move
0.48%  arrow flow
0.47%  arrow rotate
0.45%  arrow experience
0.45%  solid [state] arrow
0.45%  flow arrow
0.44%  indicate at arrow
0.43%  solid [state] arrow
0.43%  direction arrow
0.41%  action arrow
0.41%  see from arrow
0.40%  a' [numeric] arrow
0.39%  thence [resume] arrow
0.37%  indicate ADVP arrow
0.37%  direction [is] arrow
0.36%  arrow [using as instrument] indicate
0.36%  broken-line arrow
0.34%  dotted [representation] arrow
0.33%  double-ended arrow
0.33%  solid-line arrow
0.32%  illustrate ADVP arrow
0.32%  show arrow [perform operation]
0.31%  arrow [does] point
0.31%  note arrow
0.31%  dashed-line arrow
0.31%  left-facing arrow
0.31%  right-facing arrow
0.31%  depict by arrow
0.30%  phantom arrow
0.29%  arrow [does] see
0.29%  substantially [degree] arrow
0.28%  arrow follow
0.27%  bold [character] arrow
0.24%  arrow [connection] place
0.24%  take of arrow
0.24%  arrow [using as instrument] mark
0.23%  f' [numeric] arrow
0.23%  indicate with arrow
0.22%  arrow push
0.22%  show like arrow
0.21%  show with arrow
0.21%  arrow travel
0.21%  arrow [using as instrument] show
0.20%  black [color] arrow
0.20%  curved [shape] arrow
0.19%  arrow trough
0.19%  arrow [does] bend
0.18%  show in arrow
0.17%  arrow arrow
0.17%  represent by arrow
0.16%  arrow show
0.16%  arrow exert
0.15%  arrow arrow
0.14%  arrow [attribute] relative
0.14%  cut [integrity] arrow
0.14%  arrow enter
0.13%  arrow view
0.13%  arrow cause
0.13%  arrow [does] enter
0.13%  arrow [does] exit
0.13%  arrow tab
0.13%  arrow urge
0.12%  arrow [reference] show
0.12%  arcuate [shape] arrow
0.12%  opposite [similarity] arrow
0.11%  vertical [direction] arrow
0.11%  downward [chronology] arrow
0.10%  arrow line
0.10%  intend arrow [perform operation]
0.10%  arrow invention
0.09%  relative [similarity] arrow
0.09%  upward [direction] arrow
0.09%  left [location] arrow
0.09%  rotation arrow
0.08%  arrow supply
0.08%  arrow adjustment
0.08%  arrow path
0.07%  arrow torque
0.07%  indicate arrow [perform operation]
0.07%  illustrate arrow [perform operation]
0.07%  radial [shape] arrow
0.06%  large [size] arrow
0.06%  rotate arrow [perform operation]
0.06%  arrow pass
0.06%  small [size] arrow
0.06%  air arrow
0.05%  arrow piston
0.05%  arrow include
0.05%  associate arrow [perform operation]
0.05%  arrow member
0.05%  adjacent [location] arrow
0.05%  arrow flow
0.05%  force arrow
0.04%  arrow [does] define
0.04%  arrow movement
0.04%  arrow valve
0.04%  arrow fuel
0.04%  arrow [does] extend
0.04%  arrow [does] cause
0.03%  cylinder arrow
0.03%  arrow end
0.03%  pressure arrow
0.02%  include arrow [perform operation]
0.01%  arrow means


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